A pioneer in the counter-extremism field, Sara has over 15 years lived experience in countering extremism and championing human rights. In 2008 she co-founded Inspire, one of the first women led grassroots counter-extremism organisations in Britain. In 2018 Sara was appointed Britain's first Counter-Extremism Commissioner, responsible for the newly created independent Commission for Countering Extremism.

She is the only public official to have independently reviewed the Government's 2015 Counter-Extremism strategy and was asked to carry out a strategic assessment of extremism across England and Wales, leading to publication of the report “Challenging Hateful Extremism.

Sara also carried out a landmark legal review and her report "Operating with Impunity" identified worrying gaps in UK legislation which is allowing hateful extremists to operate freely. While Commissioner Sara worked for and advised three British Home Secretaries.

In March 2021, Sara was appointed by the Prime Minister as the government’s Independent Adviser for Social Cohesion and Resilience, part of government action to tackle extremism in our communities. In January 2022 Sara received the honour of Dame (DBE) for her services to human rights and counter extremism.

As an inspiring public speaker, author and policy specialist, Sara’s expertise has been highly sought after by central and local governments, by regulators and public bodies, NGOs and the media and she has extensive counter-extremism experience across many sectors, having directly worked with teachers, charities, government, public bodies, police, civil society and faith organisations.