Chris is the Director of CAABU and its lead spokesperson. He gives numerous talks around the country on issues including the Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Islamophobia and the Arabs in Britain.

He has worked with the Council since 1993 after graduating with a first-class honours degree in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Exeter University. Since then he has travelled widely in the Middle East and North Africa. In 1996 Chris moved to work for a professional government relations firm but returned to a more senior role at CAABU in 1997. In November 2002, he was made full-time Director.

In 2005, Chris addressed the United Nations on behalf of the International Coordinating Network on Palestine on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinians. He urged members of the UN General Assembly to increase their efforts to establish a meaningful peace process with the aim of creating a viable Palestine state.

Chris has appeared as an expert witness to the Foreign Affairs Select Committee discussing UK relations with the Gulf. He has travelled to nearly every country in the Middle East and has organised and accompanied numerous British Parliamentary delegations to Arab countries. He writes frequently in the Independent, the Guardian, and Middle East Eye. He was the subject of a documentary for Al Jazeera Arabic in 2012.